Anderline Amblyseius andersoni

  • Anderline image
  • Anderline image
  • Anderline image
  • Anderline image
  • Anderline image
  • Anderline image

Anderline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius andersoni. It is a predatory mite that feeds on many types of small arthropod prey and pollen. It is ideal for preventive protection of greenhouse or outdoor ornamentals, vegetables and fruit crops

Key Features

  • Predator of two-spotted spider mite, European red mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites and russet mites.
  • Will also feed on pollen and thrips larvae allowing the population to survive when pest mite populations decrease.
  • Active at a broader temperature range (6-40ºC / 43-104°F) than Phytoseiulus persimilis and Amblyseius californicus.
  • Since it is effective at lower temperatures, Amblyseius andersoni can be introduced much earlier in the growing season than other predatory mites.

Main uses

  • Broad mite
  • Cyclamen mite
  • Two-spotted spider mite
  • Carmine mite
  • Tomato russet/rust mite
  • European red mite

How It Works

  • For best results, release Amblyseius andersoni when pest mite populations are low.
  • The predatory mites will feed on small colonies of pest mites, preventing them from growing in to large populations that can cause major crop damage.
  • Curative applications have also been successful on some crops, such as cucumbers and ornamental plants but Anderline is always best used as a preventative control.

Available delivery systems


Sachets release a breeding colony of mites onto the plant, even before the target pest is present. The breeding colony is contained within a small paper sachet, which is carefully designed to maintain the colony in good condition. Mites continue to emerge from sachets over several weeks and in much higher numbers than with a single broadcast release.  

Mini sachets

Mini sachets are best used where the leaves of plants are not expected to touch or grow together. Mini sachet provide a high number or release points to ensure good spread and establishment of mites.
  • Sachets represent an improved breeding system that provides continuous and consistent release of beneficial insects over several weeks.
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Sachet on a stick 

  • Propagation is one of the most critical times for pest management. Mini sachets on a stick are ideal for effective pest prevention and control at this time.
  • Labor savings versus weekly broadcast applications.
  • Water-resistant sticks do not take any plug space away.
  • Stick is round and small and can be used in any plug tray size.
  • Can be applied in propagation at sticking or seeding line.
  • Exit hole for mites is protected under waterproof.

Gemini sachets

Gemini sachets are best used with crops that are watered via overhead irrigation or where a horizontal wire or string exists. Gemini sachets are water-resistant because the release holes for the mites are inside the folded sachets, so the contents are protected from the water.  Gemini sachets offer the following benefits:
  • Unique, patented, water-resistant twin sachet design with two predator-breeding compartments.
  • Water runs off outer surface and keeps inner surface and emergence holes dry so that sachet contents are protected. There is no hook to get wet, so sachets remain in plants.
  • Water-resistant design allows for maximum emergence of predatory mites.
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Bugline - 6x100m strips of sachets.

The Bugline delivery system is a unique, patented delivery system for controlled release of particular species of Bioline biological control agents. It was developed by Bioline to help growers reduce the manual labor associated with using sachets or applying loose material.
  • Provides preventive control of damaging pests with continuous emergence 24/7 for 4-6 weeks.
  • Can be mechanically layered onto crop, saving up to eight labor hours per acre compared to using single sachets.
  • Unique design of Bugline ensures maximum emergence of BCAs even under stressful conditions.
  • Works well in crops watered by overhead irrigation because the water runs off the outer surface while the emergence hole stays dry on the lower surface.
  • Bugline is particularly useful in a cut flower operation, such as cut chrysanthemums, where Bugline can be placed on top of the crop support mesh wiring.
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Bulk Bags & Tubes

  • Bulk bags and tubes provide an immediate dose of mites, offering immediate protection to your crop.
  • Available as loose material in 5L (5qt) bulk bags containing 125,000 mites or 1L (1qt) cardboard tubes containing 25,000 mites
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Handling & Storage

Instructions for Sachets on a Stick

  • Open shipping box of sachets within the crop.
  • Separate sachets by tearing along perforations.
  • Stick one sachet into each propagation tray, pot or shuttle tray.
  • Place sachet stick into the plug tray or pot/rockwool cube and have sachet sit approximately 1/8” above the growing media.
  • Mites will emerge for 4 to 8 weeks.

Instructions for Gemini or Mini Sachet Use

  • Do not hang adjacent to heating pipes.
  • Do not hang sachets where they will be directly exposed to intense sunlight.
  • Open the shipping box of sachets in the crop.
  • Separate sachets by tearing along perforations.
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Instructions for Bugline

  • Distribution of the strips can be done by attaching to the irrigation boom and pulling strips from the box down the greenhouse bay or manually by pulling it into the crop.
  • Make sure the crop and floor are dry when applied. If crop and/or floor are wet, water can enter Bugline through the holes, and could result in some predatory mites within the cells being lost.
  • Do not use adjacent to heating pipes.
  • For advice on recommended release rates, consult The Bioline App.

Instructions for Bulk Bags & Tubes

  • Keep containers horizontal and cool until use.
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight at any time.
  • Immediately before opening, gently rotate the container to distribute mites evenly throughout the carrier material.
  • Open each container in the crop when ready to use.
  • Shake small quantities of Anderline onto crop near flowers.

Storage and transport

  • Keep out of direct intense sunlight.
  • Transport and store at 10-15°C / 50-59°F and >65% humidity.
  • Use within 18 hours of receipt.
  • Do not refrigerate.