Tricholine TA – the new approach of controlling Tuta Absoluta
After one year of commercial use of Tricholine Tuta, an event of official launching of the product has been organised in Crete, the most important tomato PGH (passive greenhouse) growing area in Greece.

A unique and innovative solution to control Tuta absoluta
Tricholine Tuta, first commercially introduced in 2017-18 season, has been used with great success in Greek tomato greenhouses for the control of the established destructive pest Tuta absoluta. Now farmers have an extra control tool that perfectly fits IPM programs targeting the eggs of the pest. The product started been used at a greenhouse area of 100ha and this season expected to grow at 500ha which accounts for 20% of total Greek tomato greenhouse surface. This development shows the big trust of tomato growers to Tricholine Tuta as well the expectations that Trichogramma soon can be the major component of Tuta control strategy.
The event drew great attention of Greek agriculture industry, with attendants being more than 250, dealers and growers. Focus were on Its unique way of working as egg parasite that can give very good levels of control. Special attention given to more than 30 years of Tricholine innovative production and species selection program of Bioline Agrosciences. As well attention was drawn on the Technology incorporated in the dispensers: 2 waves of releasing Trichogramma, giving robustness and assure continuous activity of the product in the greenhouse for 7 days. There were feeds of official data and trials proving effectiveness of Tricholine in the field in terms of high level of egg parasitism.
Important to say the massive response of audience to the presentation with a lot of interesting questions and through discussion groups that followed the event.
→ Watch the CEO of Anthesis, our distributor, talking about the control of Tuta Absoluta