5 facts on the biological control agent: Aphidius colemani
Why Aphiline is a key biocontrol product to prevent and control aphid populations

Meet Aphiline (aka Aphidius colemani) — the barconid wasp that controls and prevents aphid species from damaging your crops.
Aphiline works by stinging and parasitizing smaller aphid species, such as; the melon or cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii), peach aphid (Myzus persicae) and tobacco aphid (Myzus nicotianae). The female wasp lays an egg within the aphid, the egg hatches within 2-3 days and the wasp larvae feeds on the aphid leaving a parasitized mummy on the plant.
Why should you choose Aphiline?
- Prevents aphid populations from developing and reduces moderate populations to non-damaging levels.
- Adults begin to emerge in transit, ready for immediate release.
- Not light sensitive – no diapause stage.
- Ventilation and food source available in packaging ensures adult survival in transit and storage.
- Suitable for all greenhouse crops.